The Romanian Heritage Center NFP is a faith-based cultural and educational religious organization in the Romanian-American community established to facilitate social-cultural programs which PROMOTE and NURTURE FELLOWSHIPS and the betterment of relationships among its members and participants, while seeking to:

PRESERVE AND PROMOTE UNITY among all Americans of Romanian heritage, regardless of what territory or geographical area they are from, including but not limited to current countries of: Romania and Republic of Moldova, surrounding areas in today’s Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, and others; also regardless of their claimed nationality;

Preserve, encourage, and promote POSITIVE CULTURAL INVOLVEMENT, fellowship, and relationship building within the Romanian-American community of all Christian denominations through awareness and education on the Romanian heritage, culture, traditions, and the common elements of the Christian faith TRANSCENDING DENOMINATIONAL AND JURISDICTIONAL LINES, thus encouraging all Romanian-Americans to collaborate and make known their contribution to the United States, our adoptive country;

Establish and maintain a centralized place for the gathering, collecting, and preservation of publications, literature, documents, records, memorabilia and traditional folklore artwork relating to the Romanian-American cultural, religious, and social life, the Romanian language, literature, history, heritage, and the impact of Romanian-Americans in the American society;

Foster and encourage the UNDERSTANDING AND APPRECIATION OF THE ROMANIAN HERITAGE AND IDENTITY, language, history, religion, culture, folklore art, and traditions;

Publish, print, distribute, and circulate books, pamphlets, periodicals, papers, and magazines in connection with the activities of the Romanian Heritage Center and other Romanian and Moldovan organizations in the United States;

– Publish, print, and distribute the ROMANIAN HERITAGE MAGAZINE, a quarterly publication in English for our second generation as well as for our friends, neighbors, and business associates – thus furthering the understanding and appreciation for our heritage and rich culture;

Facilitate, plan, implement, organize, and/or assist OTHER SIMILAR ORGANIZATIONS AND FELLOWSHIP GROUPS in hosting cultural and commemorative events, exhibitions, community meetings, seminars, and conferences which will advance the understanding and appreciation of the rich Romanian culture and heritage in the United States;

ACQUIRE, BUY, CONSTRUCT, ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN, EQUIP and OPERATE buildings, real estate property or other establishments for the purposes aforesaid;

Perform and support all functions in furtherance of its legitimate interests as a ROMANIAN HERITAGE CULTURAL LEARNING & RESEARCH CENTER;

It is specifically hereby provided that NEITHER PECUNIARY GAIN NOR PROFIT for the Romanian Heritage Center’s members and associates is a purpose of this Heritage Center, except that the Romanian Heritage Center shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth herein.